Can chiropractic affect sleep you ask? The answer is YES, in our offices we have seen it countless times!

In the Case Report: The Effect of a Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment on Toddler Sleep Pattern and Behavior the author abstracts: “The interaction of the cervical spine with the nervous system, and the effectiveness of spinal adjustment in the management of the poor sleeping patterns of a 12- month-old male are discussed. The history of an often irritable, unsettled infant, is also presented with a brief, but relevant, research review. Since birth, this 12 month old boy would wake up 7-8 times a night. Medication (Panadol TM ) had been given without success. Following the first adjustment (C 1/2 and T 8/ 9) the child slept for seven hours. A second case is briefly discussed of a 4-month-old boy with depressed appetite who slept only 30 minutes at a time. After one adjustment, he slept for 11 hours. Four months later he had a fall and his poor sleeping habit returned. After one adjustment the sleeping returned to normal, in addition he had a normal appetite.”

Rome PL.   Chiropractic Journal of Australia 1996 (Mar); 26 (1): 11-14

We have noticed it is very common in both children and adults who do not sleep well to have a subluxation in the upper cervical spine.  When this subluxation is removed and the body’s chemistry balances naturally many people report improved quality of sleep.  Very often better sleep is one of the first things patients report after beginning care.

Life is better when you are well rested.  If you or your child has been struggling with sleep issues, now is the time to get checked.  What do you have to lose, besides fatigue!