Our children are always watching

Our children are always watching

Our children are always watching, and as parents, we have the power to set the example for a healthier family in 2024! One common question I hear is, ‘How do I get my kids to eat more vegetables?’ The truth is, families whose children regularly enjoy...

Let’s talk Prevention

Let’s talk about prevention! We get a lot of questions about “What can chiropractic care help my baby with?”  And we try to share baby testimonials about colic, latching issues, sleeping difficulty, pooping difficulty (and so much more) so that you can learn and help...
Fertility and chiropractic.

Fertility and chiropractic.

You want to have a baby? How’s your nervous system?  Let’s explore fertility and chiropractic. Our bodies innately designed to: * Survive *Replicate *Adapt *Reproduce *Heal We are in a society that is constantly on the go.  Most people, if answering honestly,...
Fight or Flight and Rest and Digest

Fight or Flight and Rest and Digest

I’m certain you have all heard of “Fight or Flight” and “Rest and Digest.” Have you ever stopped to think about which one you, your children or your family spend most of their time in? Fight or flight is great for just that.  If you are being chased down by a big...
Chiropractic Testimonial

Chiropractic Testimonial

I wanted to share a chiropractic testimonial we received this week.  We often talk about how your misalignment in your nervous system interferes with your entire body and life.  I am often asked how chiropractic adjustments can possibly affect sleep, anxieties and...