You want to have a baby? How’s your nervous system?  Let’s explore fertility and chiropractic.

Our bodies innately designed to:

* Survive





We are in a society that is constantly on the go.  Most people, if answering honestly, will admit they are under more stress now then ever before. Our bodies have stress responses that are great for the short term.  When we are stuck in a constant state of Fight or Flight it makes it challenging to accomplish any of the above.

If you are under a lot of stress and trying to conceive you may be experiencing difficulties. Ultimately, making the entire experience even more stressful.  Thus the cycle begins.

It is essential for both parents to be in great health preconception to give a baby a great genetic start.  Chiropractic is a natural way to make sure both parent’s nervous systems’ are able to switch into baby-mode, as well as carrying clear messages from the brain to the reproductive system.

This is why you have probably heard friends/co-workers talk about chiropractic and fertility.  It’s not that we “do” anything for fertility.  It’s that we help reboot your nervous system, help you adapt to stresses and allow your body to thrive!

Let’s get you BOTH checked!

Have questions?  Send us a message, we’re happy to help.