Let’s talk about prevention!

We get a lot of questions about “What can chiropractic care help my baby with?”  And we try to share baby testimonials about colic, latching issues, sleeping difficulty, pooping difficulty (and so much more) so that you can learn and help to teach your friends.

What we tend to overlook talking about are the PREVENTION rewards!

Well-balanced nervous system- since our nervous system literally controls every aspect of our lives it is imperative that we keep it clear of interference.  Think busy highway.  The nervous system is your communication highway.  We need to keep clear lines of communication from the brain to the body or a traffic jam will occur.

Support balance & stability-

Chiropractic care can help balance tension within your baby’s neuromuscular system.  This leads to more success in sitting up, crawling & walking.

Promoting optimal brain development-
Our babies are exposed to physical, chemical and emotional stressors just like we are.  By keeping their nervous system clear we help them adapt to these stressors instead of short circuiting their nervous systems.

Our society needs a shift from symptom mentality to a thriving mentality.  So let’s talk prevention more!  Want to learn more about how chiropractic care can help your baby to THRIVE in life?  Reach out!  We are here to help you learn, grow & heal!