I’m certain you have all heard of “Fight or Flight” and “Rest and Digest.” Have you ever stopped to think about which one you, your children or your family spend most of their time in?

Fight or flight is great for just that.  If you are being chased down by a big black bear obviously your genius body isn’t worried about you digesting that delicious salad you had for lunch.  It’s also not trying to help you get quality sleep.  It’s worried about getting you out of danger.

The opposite is “Rest and Digest”.  This is when you aren’t being chased by a bear and your body can take it’s time to rest, digest and heal.

Unfortunately, in society these days most people (including our children) are kind of stuck in “Fight or Flight”.  We have become over stressed.  This wreaks havoc on your immune system, body and life.

When functioning optimally, you will be able to go between fight or flight and rest and digest as needed.

Fortunately, the upper cervical chiropractic adjustment creates a parasympathetic (rest and digest) response.  The adjustment allows your body to break that stress pattern.  It is then that you begin to heal. This is why many of your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers have sought out chiropractic care as part of their regular healthy habits.

Been on the sidelines or have questions?  Send us a message!  We are here to guide you and your family to a healthier, happier life!