I wanted to share a chiropractic testimonial we received this week.  We often talk about how your misalignment in your nervous system interferes with your entire body and life.  I am often asked how chiropractic adjustments can possibly affect sleep, anxieties and add/adhd.  The incredibly simple answer is that the upper cervical adjustment creates a parasympathetic response allowing your body to rest/relax/digest/heal.

Here is one mom’s story of how chiropractic care has impacted her family:

“So thankful for Dr. Katie from @lifestartsherechiro this week! After a very stressful week off, I got to go back to see her this Monday and Thursday. On Monday when she said, “Your neck feels like a brick!” I knew I was in the right place.Since I started chiropractic care with her I have seen:✨a reduction in anxiety✨less brain fog✨better sleep✨no more pain in my hip ✨I started seeing her after my daughter had been going for a year and I had seen such great improvement in her ADHD symptoms. Now, all my kids and I go!If you’re expecting a baby, consider seeing a chiropractor to help align your body and make space for baby which can help them to settle into a nice vertex position in preparation for birth.Then, when baby comes, your chiropractor can help gently get baby off to a great start by correcting any twists and turns they had to travel during labor, possibly preventing common problems like colic and ear infections.Your nervous system is the control center for your entire body! Treat it with love! Thank you, Dr. Katie, for keeping us in working order!”

Often times in our incredibly fast paced society we think it is normal to be running on no sleep, have a bit of brain fog or even some anxieties.  This absolutely does not have to be the case.  We are here to help your body heal itself.  Reach out for help.  The next chiropractic testimonial shared could be yours!  Now’s your time to thrive!

Want to see more chiropractic testimonials? Follow along on our social media: http://instagram.com/lifestartsherechiro