Are you a new mom who’s asking yourself “could this be colic?”  Are you finding yourself exhausted and not enjoying your early days with your new baby as much as you imagined? Does your baby seem inconsolable no matter what you do?

According to the Mayo clinic, “Colic is frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in a healthy infant. Colic can be particularly frustrating for parents because the baby’s distress occurs for no apparent reason and no amount of consoling seems to bring any relief. These episodes often occur in the evening, when parents themselves are often tired.”

I regularly have parents (most typically moms) call me and ask “could this be colic?”  “Can you help my baby?”

I can’t begin to tell you how many new patient consultations I sit in with a new baby where the mom just literally bursts into tears.  This breaks my heart every time.  Having a colicky baby often makes parents feel absolutely helpless.  Sometimes it can make them feel guilty that they aren’t enjoying this time with their baby or that they can’t seem to console them.

Honestly, who can function at their best when you are stressed out because your baby is uncomfortable, crying a lot, may not be sleeping very well.

How chiropractic helps:

Most commonly what I find with these babies is a slight misalignment at the top of their neck.  More often than not this occurs from the birth process.  Unfortunately, birth does not have to be traumatic for this to happen and that is why it is commonly overlooked.    If I find a misalignment, I will then deliver a very gentle and specific chiropractic adjustment to the baby.  (Think checking a tomato for ripeness).  This adjustment is designed to balance their nervous system and allow them to function to their best.

Often times parents will notice a change directly following their babies first adjustment.  For other babies it will take a few visits. Either way there is no greater reward than parents returning with smiles on their faces and a happy baby!  It truthfully is what fuels me to do what I do.

Whether you have been questioning could this be colic or something else but you know your baby just isn’t as comfortable as they should be, I encourage you to reach out.  I am here to help you!  I want every family to be able to thoroughly enjoy their first few months with their new bundle of joy!